Cynthia Warden Art Home
Available Now! New Book "Women in Watercolor Portaits and Poetry" featuring the watercolor collection of women with inspirational poetry.
As "The Real Time Artist" I am so excited to have been chosen to Participate in the California Heritage Museum's "Anything Goes" Exhibition
September 9-29, 2023. I am the only political artist selected for this Exhibition.
To view all the paintings documenting the Political, Social, Economic and Pop Culture Events from 2020 to present day
Legacy of Secrets
Truth Will Tell
California Heritage Museum Exhibition September 9-29, 2023

We are pleased to announce our new Cynthia Warden ArtWear Collection featuring original art on Apparel, Shoes Home Decor, and Technology!
ArtWear as Original as You!
Please hit our SHOP button on the Menu to see all the latest designs!
It is said the “Eyes are the Windows of the Soul” and American artist Cynthia Warden’s paintings are known to reflect that sentiment. Each painting whether human or animal captures the soul of the subject through their eyes. Some have commented that the paintings convey a confrontational aspect, and according to the artist that is the point.
”It is my desire to have the painting and the observer connect, see and feel the emotion and spirit of the subject. I never know who or what emotion or message will come from the subject but that is the exciting part of the process and the underlining force of my work. Warden lives in Los Angeles, CA.